First day of trial of Marwan Barghouti

(14 Aug 2002) VOICED BY LOUISE BATES Tel Aviv - 14 August 2002 0000- 0006 West Bank Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti led into court by security 0006- 0025 SOUNDBITE: (English) Marwan Barghouti, West Bank Fatah Leader: “You know, everybody in this world knows that Marwan Barghouti is fighting for peace, I am a peace man, I was trying to do everything for the peace between the two peoples.“ File 0025- 0029 Barghouti being cheered on by supporters 0029- 0038 Barghouti with Yasser Arafat, officials Jerusalem - 14 August 2002 0038- 0043 Set up shot peres 0043- 0100 SOUNDBITE: (English) Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister: “ We don't have political trials, we have only traditional trials and the better to try the people in a fair process of justice than to kill or hit somebody else otherwise in a confrontation of blood. I am sure that Mr. Barghouti will have a fair trial and while we shall mention all the facts that bought us to arrest him, we should follow all the laws and calls of fair justice.“ Ramallah - 14 August 2002 0100-0103 Exterior Yasser Arafat's office 0103- 0123 SOUNDBITE: (English) Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian Negotiator: “The trial of Mr. Marwan Barghouti is a serious escalation, it is an Israeli attempt to undermine all the efforts being exerted to resolve the peace process and put it back on track at a time when we are exerting every effort to do so. This trial reflects the lack of seriousness on the Israeli side. Tel Aviv - 14 August 2002 0123- 0133 Barghouti surrounded by security Ends 0133 STORYLINE: Marwan Barghouti, one of the most visible Palestinian leaders of the current violent conflict with Israel, went on trial on Wednesday on charges that he planned more than three dozen terror attacks that killed scores of Israelis. In the days of peacemaking in the 1990s, Barghouti developed friendships with some Israeli officials and helped persuade Fatah activists to recognize Israel. However, after Israeli-Palestinian fighting erupted in September 2000, Barghouti adopted a more militant line, saying Palestinians had the right to drive Israelis out of the West Bank and Gaza Strip by force. 0001 Marwan Barghouti launched into a fiery speech as soon as he arrived in court. 0006 SOUNDBITE: (English) Marwan Barghouti, West Bank Fatah Leader: “The policy of occupation will not lead for the security, security will be achieved by one way, by one way, by peace and peace will be achieved by the end of the occupation. No peace, no security with occupation.““ 0025 Barghouti is accused of orchestrating dozens of terror attacks. 0028 Israeli prosecutors will try to show that senior Palestinian Authority officials were also involved. 0038 Israel denies this is a political case, and insists Barghouti will be given a just hearing. 0044 SOUNDBITE: (English) Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister: “I am sure that Mr. Barghouti will have a fair trial and while we shall mention all the facts that bought us to arrest him, we should follow all the laws and calls of fair justice.“ 0100 But Palestinian officials say the case undermines the peace process. 0103 SOUNDBITE: (English) Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian Negotiator: The trial of Mr. Marwan Barghouti is a serious escalation, it is an Israeli attempt to undermine all the efforts being exerted to revive the peace process and put it back on track at a time when we are exerting every effort to do so. This trial reflects the lack of seriousness on the Israeli side. 0123 Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive: