RFK JR.: Maui Needs Us

Last August’s wildfire in Lahaina caused widespread devastation across Maui. It was among the worst natural disasters Hawaii’s ever seen—and the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history. I visited Lahaina last month and spoke with locals about the hazardous debris, chemicals, and undrinkable water that now plagues the town. The tragic reality is that the fire’s cascading environmental impacts and toxic aftermath will likely last for years. The federal and local government’s response to the crisis has been woefully inadequate. The mismanagement of the toxic material cleanup is wreaking havoc on Lahaina’s residents, farmland, and groundwater, and risks poisoning the local reef. This is the ultimate example of government negligence and, ultimately, corruption. After tragedies like Hurricane Katrina, leaders of both parties set aside differences to find answers and seek solutions. Where is that same commitment to the common good now? Why aren’t we prioritizing the health and safety of Americans, our environment, and our communities over sending billions of dollars to foreign wars? The disaster demands a national reckoning to hold officials accountable for their mistakes and to apply Maui’s lessons to other vulnerable communities. But half a year later, that reckoning has yet to come. LEARN MORE: #kennedy24 #RFKjr #maui #MauiFires