Behind The Curtain: How Hyperdimensional Beings Secretly Shape Our Reality with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

This episode is the fifth of a six part series where Jay and Hunter interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk, a world-renowned paranormal researcher who authored a groundbreaking series called The Wave and founded a metaphysical research community called The Cassiopaean Experiment. They discuss several methods hyperdimensional entities use to stifle our spiritual growth and manipulate our perception of reality, including toxic food sources, societal programming, and controlling appointed agents who are placed in numerous positions of global influence. Tune in if you're eager to explore the mysteries of hyperdimensional realities, reveal the hidden hands controlling our most powerful political players, and learn about the energy management practices that are essential for successfully traversing the realm border crossing. “There is truth. There is forensic truth. There is mathematical truth. But when you say ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth,’ one person's truth could be in alignment w