This is the true Meaning of Christmas and My Birth ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

Text & Audio of Video Content... Channel Overview... Video Playlist Love Letters... Endtime-Prophecies... Warnings from Jesus... Instructions for the Left Behind... Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... EBook Overview... Your personal Rhema from Jesus... Website with Divine Revelations... Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations... Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... This is the true Meaning of Christmas and My Birth December 7, 2019 – Excerpt from Jesus Message thru Sister Clare (Jesus) “Be My hands and feet and bring the poor something to eat. I have touched the hearts of certain ones on this Channel to provide for the poor, in addition to your needs. So long as you give out, you will receive. And those steeped in deepest darkness will be touched. “You see, My people, words are cheap. Good Intentions are a dime a dozen! But those who live the Gospel are rare. I am calling My little flock to shine into one of the darkest areas of your nation. I am calling you to show mercy and love to the cruel and unlovable. “On that Day, there will be no excuse, because My servants gave sacrificially to their needs and some did not repent. Yet others will, when they see your kindness and impartiality towards all. “There are many poor widows and grandmothers taking care of abandoned children. There are many disabled who did not qualify for assistance. There are many lonely who never get visitors, let alone anyone who will offer to help them with their propane and electricity, as well as food. “This is what I am calling you to shine at, Clare. I want to reverse the ugly attitudes these have about Christians. I want you to show them that I am a God of Provision and Caring and I have not forgotten them. “This is the time of year when families are spending lavish amounts of money on toys and trinkets for their children and friends. Yet when they stand before Me, they will be naked, because they did not provide for the poor. They did not prepare their hearts for My coming. “Dear ones, Christmas is not fulfilled with a lavishly decorated tree replete with boxes and boxes of presents. That is NOT Christmas. That is unbridled Avarice and Indifference to the needs of the poor among you. “The Satanists laugh you to scorn from Thanksgiving until New Years, because while you are so caught up in buying appropriate gifts, they are laying curses upon you and fasting for their feast of the New Year – at which time they will assemble and draw down evil upon those who are spiritually naked, blind, and poor. “They are spiritually impoverished and uncovered because of Greed and Avarice. They have not given to the poor, so I do not defend them. Does not My Word repeat over and over again that I protect those who take care of the poor? Yet, My people are so worldly-minded that they think feasting and gift giving is what Christmas is all about. “Dear ones, have you ever looked at My manger and wondered… ‘What was God thinking when He sent His only Begotten Son to Earth in a filthy stable?’ Are you thinking how quaint that was? No, My people. This was not a quaint presentation of My Incarnation. Rather, it was an example for you to live a simple life that honors God, and not men. “Everything I accomplished was done in avoidance of impressing or enlisting the support of the wealthy. Rather, I presented you with the greatest gift ever given to man, and did it without ostentation, pomp, and worldly splendor. This should tell you how to celebrate My Birth and how best to honor Me.” (Clare) Lord, I always have trouble with this, because what has made Christmas so special to me since I was a child was the beautiful tree and glittering presents. It left a deep impression on me: a time of mystery, joy, and something more special than any other time of the year. (Jesus) “My precious, when you were a child, you embraced childish things – which I have allowed in the past to bring special significance to My Birth for children. A time of joy and feasting, but with a careful eye to those who had nothing. LINK TO TEXT AT THE TOP