Fastest Firing Armaments Ever Made

hese are the Fastest firing Weapons in human history. At number 4 we have the M-61 Vulcan, this thing is perhaps most well known for its use in the MK15 Phalanx CIWS with a fire rate of 4,500 per minute and the F-16 with a fire rate of 6,000 shots per minute. And this is what that sounds like At Number 3 we have the AK-630M1-2. This is a Russian Close In Weapon System with two sets of 6 30mm barreled rotary cannons primarily designed to take out helicopters and aircraft. As a result, this thing has an insane, 10,000 round per minute fire rate, have a listen…. At number 2 we have Dillon Precision’s Aero Quad Minigun System.