Snake Island - The Atlas Obscura Podcast

“Compared with other species, the golden lancehead is calm to work with,” says Selma Almeida, a biologist at Brazil’s Instituto Butantan, where the snake is currently a resident. “They are nowhere near as aggressive as some of the other snakes we keep here.” Details Release date August 13, 2023 (United States) Garcia, V., Grazziely Dos Santos Amorim, L., Almeida-Santos, S. “Morphological and structural differences between the hemipenes and hemiclitores of golden lancehead snakes, Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1922), revealed by radiography.“ Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. 1 Jul. 2022, Volume 51, Number 4: 557-560. Martins, M., Sawaya, R., Marques, O. “A First Estimate of the Population Size of the Critically Endangered Lancehead, Bothrops insularis.“ BioOne. 1 Jan. 2008, Volume 3, Number 2: 168-174. Pinelli, N. “It’s from Brazil! Discover the five endemic snakes that only exist on some Brazilian islands.“ Ciência. Instituto Butantan, 23 Jun. 2023. Web. 29 Nov. 2023. Salles-Oliveira, I., Machado, T., Rodrigues da Silva Banci, K., Almeida-Santos, S., José de J. Silva, M. “Genetic variability, management, and conservation implications of the critically endangered Brazilian pitviper Bothrops insularis.“ Ecology and Evolution. 1 Dec. 2020, Volume 10, Number 23: 12870-12882. Sawaya, R., Barbo, F., Grazziotin, F., Marques, O., Martins, M. Lanceheads in Land-Bridge Islands of Brazil: Repeated and Parallel Evolution of Dwarf Pitvipers in Islands and Snakes. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. 67-80. Valente, R., et. al. “Bothrops insularis venomics: a proteomic analysis supported by transcriptomic-generated sequence data.“ Journal of Proteomics. 6 Mar. 2009, Volume 72, Number 2: 241-255.