Jedan način obeležavanje matica ONE WAY OF MARKING NUTS

Dragi pčelari početnici, o ovoj temi ima podeljena mišljenja. Naime neko želi da matica obavezno obeležava sa bojom te godine kada je izvedena, a neko ne želi. Ja naprimer nikada nisam obeležavao maticu jer me ona uopšte nije interesovala. Jer ako u košnicu ima legla šta ja imam da tražim maticu, ali možda grešim, zato se vi sami odlučite. Danas prikažemo sa Nikolom hvatenje matice štipaljkom, da bi je obeležavali. Dear beginner beekeepers, there are divided opinions on this topic. Namely, someone wants the nut to be marked with the color of the year it was made, and someone doesn't want it. For example, I have never marked a queen because she did not interest me at all. Because if there are brood in the hive, why should I look for the queen, but maybe I'm wrong, so you decide for yourself. Today, with Nikola, we will demonstrate catching the queen with a pin, in order to mark it.