The Last Express (PC) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of Broderbund's 1997's graphic adventure game for PCs (running Dos or Windows 95), The Last Express. The “Making of“ featurette included with the game follows the credits (@3:34:00). The Last Express is, in a word, phenomenal. It is entirely unlike just about anything else I've ever played. I mean, sure, it looks kind of like Myst (surprise), and there are places where the animation looks like what an updated Prince of Persia might have looked like (again, surprise), and it takes the same basic time-based structure as the old Sierra game The Colonel's Bequest. But it all feels fresh and new, even twenty years later. That's right. The game was released in March/April of 1997. It just had its twentieth birthday. Anyone feeling old yet? ;) Anyways, the project was led by Jordan Mechner (Karateka, The Prince of Persia), and his influence is clear. The real-time based gameplay, the rotoscoped animation, the exotic cultural elements... they al