Prvi srpski dron ubica IKA-KAM operativan! First Serbian killer-drone becomes operational

#ikakam #vojskasrbije #ika20 #obad #pegaz #vrabac #gavran #bpl #dron #drone #uav #ucav #serbianarmy #vti #toc #rv #airforce #serbianairforce #armament #arms #weapons #naoruzanje #oruzje #army #military #prdc #srbija #serbia How far has it come in the development of the latest Serbian killer drone IKA-KAM-60, which is a product of the domestic development and research center PR-DC, and what efficiency has it shown so far? In accuracy tests, the IKA-KAM killer drone hit the target and thus proved its effectiveness. The drone-killer shown has a very simple construction and because of this, as well as because of the favorable price in relation to the quality, it has secured a secure future in the form of high demand both by the Serbian Armed Forces and customers around the world. Dokle se stiglo u razvoju najnovijeg srpskog drona ubice IKA-KAM-60 koji je proizvod domaćeg razvojno-istraživačko centra PR-DC i kakvu je efikasnost pokazao do sada? Na testovima preciznosti IKA-KAM dron-ubica je pogodio metu i time dokazao svoju efikasnost. Prikazani dron-ubica je vrlo jednostavne konstrukcije i zbog toga je kao i zbog povoljne cene u odnosu na kvalitet, obezbedio sigurnu budućnost u vidu velike potražnje kako od strane Vojske Srbije tako i kupaca širom Sveta. Video credit: ; Audio credit: › audiolibrary