Prof. Petr Zivny and Prof. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov, MD, CREATIVE HYPNOSIS, in Russian

Prof. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov Laboratory of Hypnology, October, 1989, Moscow: Rapid Hypnotic Induction, Deep Hypnotic State, Induction Soul into Soul. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov - (1934-2007), Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist, Head of the Laboratory for Hypnosis at the State Scientific and Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, president of the National Association of Creative and Clinical Hypnosis, co-president of the International Association of Theoretical and Experimental Hypnosis, member of the American Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, professor of the Milan University of New Medicine, in collaboration with Prof. Petr Zivny (1958), Psicoterapeuta, ipnologo, sessuologo, psico-oncologo, grafologo, esperto lingue del metodo PALM, docente di psicologia presso l'Università Carlo di Praga, docente di ipnosi presso il Centro Prometeo di Milano. Conoscenza lingue: italiano, inglese, spagnolo, russo, polacco, tedesc