The Microbial Majority Bacteria Outnumber Human Cells in Your Body #didyouknow #fact

The Microbial Majority: Bacteria Outnumber Human Cells in Your Body You might be surprised to learn that the number of bacterial cells living in your body significantly surpasses the count of your own human cells. This fascinating fact emphasizes the incredible diversity of life within you. The human body is home to trillions of bacteria, collectively known as the human microbiome. These microorganisms inhabit various body parts, including the skin, mouth, and intestines. The bacterial cells within your gut alone can outnumber human cells by a significant margin. While the exact ratio varies, it's estimated that bacterial cells can be ten times more numerous than human cells in the average person. These bacteria play essential roles in digestion, immune system health, and many other bodily functions, highlighting the intricate symbiotic relationship between humans and their microbial companions. #bacteria #microbiology #virus #covid #science #biology #microbiologia #health #bio