CORRECTION .... I said Israel... I MEANT PALESTINE - GAZA.... ''NOT TO BE IN A WAR ZONE'' I answered - when someone asked me what I was most grateful for''... ... why ... is in the video... It started 19 Dec 1969... President Obote of Uganda got shot in the head, a bullet through his mouth... Followed by a a military coup d'état executed by general Idi Amin, against the government of President Milton Obote 25 January 1971.... lots of terror followed.... I left with my children Dec 1974...... Somalia 1980 -84 beautiful and realtively peaceful --- now destroyed completely ... Indonesia was under colonial rule 350 years up to 1945 - I worked there 2003-7 and saw how it is now prospering... concurrently worked in Viet Nam 2003-2012 helped get doctors trained and begin detoxify the 3 mill veterans who had been poisoned by Agent Orange Dioxin in the American war in Viet Nam etc etc ... I HAVE LEARNT TO COUNT MY BLESSINGS...