20 Min. Foot & Ankle Strength Routine | Stability & Prehab | Best Routine to Stay Injury-Free

🤸🏼‍♀️ A 20 min. mobility, strength + stability routine to help runners & (everyday)athletes to build a stronger foundation to keep them injury-free. 🎯 Target Areas: toes, feet, ankles 💭 How To Use: include in your gym or home workout training (I always recommend to dedicate a session per week to work on weaknesses/mobility/stability) 🏃🏼‍♀️ Looking for Warm Ups specifically? Check this playlist: 🔧 Equipment: optional for the last exercise: a massage / tennis ball 📺 Related Content: #runnersworkout #anklemobility #anklestability Hey team! Here’s a routine that doesn’t just target the ankles - but specifically the feet & toes as well. Perfect for anyone who’s on their feet a lot. Great to