I breed 11st XL Bullys and give them glamorous makeovers

AMERICAN XL Bully dogs have been labelled dangerous killers, but one owner has turned hers into Instagram sensations and even gives them makeovers. Brit Lily Feltham, who lives in Marbella, insists her dogs, banned in the UK from today, make wonderful pets - despite a wave of horror attacks by the breed this year. She claims they are so mellow that her dogs - 11 stone Rolex, Cartel and Kay - allow her to paint them to look like leopards, tigers and cheetahs. Lily, 31, says: “I’ve even taken them to my friend’s salon to paint their nails and pretend to do their eyelashes.” Having been trapped in an abusive relationship for several years, Lily says she bought her dogs to make her feel secure when they split. “I was told every day that nobody would want me, that I was fat, ugly, full of stretch marks and would never be anything except council scum,“ she explains. “I was abused both physically and emotionally, so when we broke up I was worried that he might try to co