Guru Padmasambhava (Guru Rimpoche) hidden teachings and the DAKINI

New Course Series + New Book The Lotus-Born Master Eight Manifestations of Quantum Energy DECODED Ancient Science Backed By Modern Day Research “Return of the Lotus-Born Master“ Trailer “Searching for the Lotus-Born Master“ Full Documentary Senior Director Laurence Brahm welcomes you to watch the eagerly awaited sequel to the first multi award winning documentary “Searching for the Lotus-Born Master“. Now having gone through the film festival circuit and having won multiple prestigious awards, our next documentary “Return of the Lotus-Born Master“ follows more closely in the footsteps of Guru Padmasambhava also known as Guru Rimpoche in Tibetan, or Padma Junge (“Lotus Born”) to decrypt his secret teachings guarded by the Dakinis.