Richard Wagner: The Valkyrie - Ride of the Valkyries

From an opera concert with Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Opera in Olavshallen, Trondheim, 11 March 2021. Conductor: James Gaffigan Concert master: Cam Kjøll Valkyries: Helmwige – Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe Gerhilde – Camilla Stenhoff Vist Schwertleite – Siv Oda Hagerupsen Waltraute – Åse Krystad Ortlinde – Tonje Eero Hove Rossweisse – Maria Nohr Grimgerde – Nina Sætherhaug The singer supposed to sing Siegrune had to call off the concert at the very last minute, and so the rest of the Valkyries cover this part.