The Incredible World of Birdbugs | Speculative Biology

Have you ever wanted to learn how an alien bird-bug plays the horn? An exploration of Ripley’s incredible speculative biology project ‘Birgworld.’ --- Artist’s Tumblr: Artist’s Twitter: The Birg Project is a worldbuilding series that brings to life an expansive alien ecosystem, but also delves into the most minute cultural details of its central intelligent species. Created by the brilliant artist Ripley, The Birg Project doesn’t just explore the biology of its titular aliens, but also imagines how they put on clothes, how they play the horn, even how they sneeze. Also called ‘Birdbugs,’ these extraterrestrials superficially resemble a cross between Earth birds and Earth bugs — and have developed a level of intelligence similar to our own. So, for this entry into the archive, we’ll explore the incredible world of the Birgs. Now, let’s explore this alien planet on both a macro and micro scale… 0:00 The Birg