A Russian schoolboy-ecologist offers a Finnish policeman to sing “I love you, life” together.

It was like this ... A pandemic locked us (the Vakulenko family) in a country house in Finland. Since we are creative people, we strive for ecology, peace and cooperation, and one of us is also a vocalist-polyglot, ( ) we decided to make a cycle of Russian-Finnish songs. It turns out thoughtful Finns have long fallen in love with Russian songs, choose the best, write their own words and enjoy. While in Russia, unfortunately, many musical masterpieces are forgotten. We decided to start with the most popular - “I love you, life.“ Just prepared ... and it, with great success on YouTube, was sung by a Finnish policeman! ( ) We switched to the second - “Song of a friend“, Vysotsky, released it as a musical present. ( ) But then we thought: why not show our performance “I love you, lif