Re: Emergency everyday - Stage 3 (Daijin ver.)

This is my Christmas present to you. I tried my hand at making a Daijin player and Serintsu boss fight. About Daijin's flash bomb, “Data Stream“: - creates three binary streams - bullets don't get deleted, but swept away to the top of the screen instead About the stage: - silk hats are replaced by scholar cap-looking things - stage is mostly the same otherwise About Serintsu's boss fight: - Yuuji Ootomo once started a thread on 2ch for people to share their irl names - Yuuya Satou tried the same thing - one of the spellcards is based off of a quote I like - he sure uses portals a lot About the album: - 10 tracks, plus one extra - price is 5 euros or higher - comes with song comments - download link: