[TNO/OTL] War of Zhuxia Custom Super Events: Chinese Reunification Phase 1

Remember to turn to 1080p! The green pie means reversed nationalism and the dark red pie means anarchism. Timeline 00:00 Instruction 00:10 War of Zhuxia, First Phase 01:02 Beijing Military Government 01:12 Guo Boxiong|PLA State Faction|Military Junta(假如战争今天爆发/If War Breaks Out Today) 01:39 Dai Xu|PLA Militarist Faction|Ultramilitarism(中国军魂/Soul of the Chinese Army) 02:20 Zhang Zhaozhong|PLA Party Faction|Bolshevism(强军战歌/Battle Song of the Strong Army) 02:54 Zhou Yongkang|CCP Establishment Faction|Chinese Socialism(祖国颂/Ode to the Motherland) 03:29 Wang Yang|CCP Reformist Faction|Dominant-Party Democracy(春天的故事/A Tale of Springtime) 04:03 Bo Xilai|CCP Populist Faction|Chinese Socialism(太阳最红,毛主席最亲/The Sun is Reddest, Chairman Mao is Dearest) 04:40 Chengdu Provisional Government 04:50 Xi Jinping|CCP Xi Faction|Civilian Dictatorship(走向复兴/March Towards Rerival) 05:25 Hu Chunhua|CCP Tuanpai Faction|Chinese Socialism(江山/The Country) 05:57 Cui Yongyuan|New Democracy Alliance|Left-Wing Populism(茉莉花/Jasmine Flower Song) 06:26 Xu Zhiyong|New Citizens Movement|Progressive Liberalism(彩云追月/Roseate Clouds Chasing the Moon) 06:54 Hu Xijin|New Patriotic Party|Right-Wing Populism(血染的风采/Bloodstained Glory) 07:28 Zhang Hongliang|CCP Leftist Faction|National Communism(大海航行靠舵手/Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman) 08:00 Chen Ping|CCP industrialist Faction|Corporatism(时代号子/Work Song of the Era) 08:33 Free Republic 08:43 Wang Xizhe|Labour Party|Democratic Socialism(人民之歌/Do You Hear the People Sing?) 09:25 Qin Hui|Labour Party|Third Way(送别/Farewell) 09:54 Luo Xiang|Charter Party|Centrist Progressivism(明天会更好/Tomorrow Will Be Better) 10:46 Mao Yushi|Charter Party|Market Liberalism(白毛女/The White-Haired Girl) 11:16 Liu Zaifu|Republican Party|Communitarian Conservatism(我的祖国/My Motherland) 12:06 Xiao Gongqin|Republican Party|Paternalistic Conservatism(宋家王朝/The Soong Sisters) 12:41 Xiong Yan|Defense Forces of Free China|Military Junta(中华民国陆军军歌/Military Anthem of the Republic of China Army) 13:14 Soviet Republic 13:24 Fred Engst|Chinese People's Communist Party|Maoism(我们走在大路上/We Walk on the Great Road) 14:07 Wang Hui|New Left Coalition|Left-Wing Nationalism(团结就是力量/Unity is Strength) 14:46 Kong Qingdong|Communist Party of the Chinese Nation|National Bolshevism(前进吧中国共产党/Forward, Chinese Communist Party) 15:28 Mao Xinyu|Reformed Communist Party of China|Aristocratic Republicanism(海港之夜/Night at the Harbour) To be continued...