Marš na Drinu | Serbian march

“March on Drina“ is a Serbian march made during WW1 in the Kingdom of Serbia. The lyrics were added in 1964 in the Socialist Republic of Serbia for a Serbian movie with the same name. It is currently the anthem of the Serbian army. This version was played by the Yugoslav People's Army orchestra. Lyrics: U boj krenite junaci svi, Kren'te i ne žal'te život svoj Cer da čuje stroj, Cer da vidi boj A reka Drina Slavu, hrabrost i junačku ruku oca, sina. Poj, poj, Drino hladna voda ti Pamti, pričaj kad su padali Pamti hrabri stroj koji je pun ognja silne snage Proterao tuđina sa reke naše drage. Source: