Best Team Building Activities | Smart Skills

Visit our website: email: info@ Smart Skills is the first corporation in the GCC and the Middle East specializing in the design, production, and supply of creative training games kits. If you are looking for creativity and excellence in training, education, innovation, and team leadership, you are in the right place. Smart Skills Corporation was established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2009 as a Creative Training Consultancy Center. In 2014, the corporation changed course to specialize in the design, production and supply of creative training games. Now, we have completed eight years of excellence and innovation in the design and production of training games kits. To date, our creative products have reached more than 26 countries around the world. Smart Skills is an enterprise that specializes in the design, production and supply of creative educational aids, specifically training games kits. All our products are based on ‘experiential learning’ theory. At Smart Skills, we believe in the diversity of educational and training methods. We also believe that one of the most important methods of learning is through play and fun based on a clear educational methodology. Smart Skills creative products enable facilitators, teachers, managers and team leaders to deliver world-class experiential activities. Our products contribute to an educational environment full of fun and can also be used for general events, student activities, scouting and corporate events to add a challenge among participants that highlights their leadership skills, teamwork skills, planning skills and communication skills. Smart Skills products are easy to use. All our offerings are uncomplicated products that everyone can understand and apply with ease and freedom. They are high-quality, durable products that can be used continuously and applied many times on different occasions and at different places. The most important feature of Smart Skills products is the instruction manual attached to each product, which explains how to apply each activity and walks users through the levels and stages of each exercise to ensure that the learning objectives of the training games are met. Based on the experiential learning methodology, Smart Skills products are a proven way to provide training in a fun and effective way. سمارت سكلز هي أول مؤسسة في الخليج العربي والشرق الأوسط متخصصة في تصميم وانتاج وتجارة الألعاب التدريبية الإبداعية. لو كنت تبحث عن الابداع والتميز في التدريب والتعليم والابتكار وقيادة فرق العمل فأنت في المكان الصحيح. تأسست مؤسسة سمارت سكلز في مدينة دبي بدولة الامارات العربية المتحدة عام 2009 كمركز استشارات في مجال التدريب الإبداعي، وفي عام 2014 تم تغيير مجال المؤسسة لتتخصص في تصميم وانتاج وتجارة الألعاب التدريبية الإبداعية. و ها نحن الآن نكمل ثمانية أعوام من التميز و الابتكار في تصميم و انتاج الألعاب التدريبة. حيث ووصلت منتجاتنا الإبداعية الى أكثر من 26 دولة حول لعالم. مؤسسة سمارت سكلز هي مؤسسة متخصصة في تصميم وانتاج و تجارة الوسائل التعليمية الإبداعية و بالتحديد الألعاب التدريبية، جميع منتجاتنا مبنية على منهجية التعليم بالتجربة Experiential Learning. نحن نؤمن في سمارت سكلز بتنوع وسائل التعليم والتدريب كما نؤمن أن من أهم هذه الوسائل هو التعليم باللعب و المرح الهادف المبني على أسس و منهجية تعليمية.منتجات سمارت سكلز الإبداعية هي وسائل تعليمية مساعدة للمدربين و المعلمين و المدراء و قيادا