中国十大名曲, The Ten Most Famous Melodies in Ancient China.

简介 00:00 《高山流水》High Mountains and Flowing Waters 5:19《十面埋伏》Ambush on All Sides 12:55《平沙落雁》Wild Geese over the Clam Sands 19:45《广陵散》Music from Guangling 42:13《汉宫秋月》The Moon over the Han Palace 47:56《夕阳箫鼓》Flute and Drum at Sunset 57:56《胡笳十八拍》The Eighteen Beat of Wu Gier 1:17:34《梅花三弄》Plum-Blossom in Three Movements 1:22:45《渔樵问答》Dialog between Fisherman and Woodcutter 1:33:06《阳春白雪》The Spring Snow 音乐 来自网易云 字画 自书 #中国古代音乐 如有侵权请告知,会在第一时间删除