Концерт Елены Образцовой,-The concert of Elena Obraztsova, 1972

1. I.S. Bach Aria from the Easter Oratorio 2. V.A. Mozart Two arias of Cherubino from the opera “Figaro’s Wedding“ 3. G.F. Handel Aria Flavius from the opera Flavius 4. G.F. Handel Aria of Admet from the opera “Admet, King of Thessaly“ 5. P.I. Tchaikovsky Aria of John from the opera Orleans Maiden 6. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Scene, arioso and Koscheevna’s song from the opera Kashchei the Immortal . Rimsky-Korsakov Lel’s third song from the opera “The Snow Maiden“ 8. “Night“ (A. Rubinstein - A. Pushkin) 9. Manuel de Falla “Jota“ (Spanish folk song) 10. “The Old Husband“ (A. Verstovsky - A. Pushkin) 11. J. Bizet “Habanera“ from the opera “Carmen“