General Craftious

General Grievous with the diamond arms is from @Janobot since mesa didn't want to spend a billion years animating png diamond swords. Shoutout to mesa channel members!: @jessica_wi and @SuperCountDooku @Oakensongs @aquarius475 Subscribe to Jar Jar Studios+(It's FREE) Join this channel to get access to custom emojis: Text to speech AI voices from Text to speech AI voices from Greenscreens by mesa @jarjarstudiosgreenscreens Video editing software: Hitfilm4Express RunwayML(for greenscreens) #jarjarstudiosplus #starwarsmemes #prequelmeme #yoda #minecraft #clonewarsmemes #diamonds #clonewarsmemes #minecraftmemes #minecraftzombie #minecraftcreeper #minecraftvillagers #aiminecraft #aivideogame #papapalpatine #palpatine #generalgrevious #generalgrievous