SHOUSE - Love Tonight

Spotify / Music / Deezer / iTunes : Love Tonight is a song of connectedness and togetherness, uniting the world in solidarity during a time of isolation, and now an anthem as we begin to come together again - in euphoric love during a time of release. The song creates a moment on the dance-floor, uniting us as we shake the isolation out of our limbs. A chant, a refrain, a hymn of connectedness and of the ecstatic: the love of moving and singing together as one. It's only possible because of all of these legends: ** Singers ** Verse 1: Bec Rigby (The Harpoons), Oscar Slorach-Thorne (OKS), Christobel Elliott (Pillow Pro), Tony Barnao (IO) Verse 2: Maia (HABITS), Daisy Catterall, Monte Morgan (Client Liaison), Mohini (HABITS) ** Sax ** Tony Barnao ** Choir ** Hayley Bracken, Sophia Charles, Indra Haas, Jude, Martin King, Jennifer Loveless, Jack & Henry Madin, Alice McIntosh, Rachel Raggart, Reuben Schmidt, Ed Service, P