Remix神曲 RAP版 合唱Mang Chung《芒种》中国新说唱—中国最火的老外_嘿人李逵 Vs 音阙诗听—趙方婧 Remix by- ANDY LOW

混音REMIX BY:Andy Low 中国新说唱 嘿人李逵 演唱:音闕詩聽, 趙方婧 小编听到嘿人版发布的rap版 超喜欢的! 觉得有一大段空白无人声有点可惜, 就把原唱混上,中西文化结合原来可以这样 正!酷毕了!嘿人666 而且还加了环绕音效 记得一定要用耳机听哦!HD 高清音质 点击下面链接: 没想到发布了一个《芒种》RAP版(说唱)合唱剪辑。那么多人喜欢,那么我帮你安排好了 你们喜欢的话多多分享 Thanks for Watching! ↓ Show More ↓ #《心如止水》rap 合唱 嘿人李逵&于晴(女聲版 # 失眠飞行 rap合唱 嘿人李逵& 蔡恩雨 #[I LOVE YOU 3000 III] 嘿人李逵& Agatha Chelsea 如果喜欢我剪辑的音乐的朋友们 可以订阅我的频道: Title : Mángzhòng 芒种 《歌詞》lyrics girl :一想到你我就(I think of you will) oh oh oh oh 空恨别梦久(Don't dream for a long time) Wu ooh ooh ooh ooh 烧去纸灰埋烟柳(Burned paper ash and buried smoke) black: Let's go we been together for a long time baby now so trust me baby aint nothing like them bad sound why we got to keep waiting the next round we want the same thing baby lets git it now wait baby I just want to keep u safe All I want to do is give u love when I say Forever and ever baby go on hear we pray we gone do it right here I mean hear today black:遇見你要對上天說聲感謝 (I want to say thank you to the God) girl : 于鲜活的枝丫(In fresh branches) black:但是語言無法表達我對你的感覺(But language cannot express how I feel about you) girl :凋零下的无暇(Withering leisure) black:我願意為了你去到九天攬月(I am willing to go to the sky catch the moon for u) girl :是收获谜底的代价(Is the price of the mystery) black:願意陪你度過每個寒冷冬夜 就讓我每天守護在你身旁(Willing to accompany you through every cold winter night and let me guard you every day) girl :余晖沾上 远行人的发(Afterglow with Distant Hair) black:三山和五岳不如你的重量 The all great mountains are not as heavy as yours girl :他洒下手中牵挂 (He sheds his worries) black:你像小鹿在我心中衝撞 (You bump into my heart like a deer) girl :于桥下(Under the bridge) black:其他人怎麼可能和你一樣 (How could other people be like you) girl :前世迟来者(Previous life Latecomer) 擦肩而过 (Pass By) 掌心刻 (Carved in palm) 来生记得 (Next life remember) 你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 oh oh oh (The Smoke in your eyes Dripping a drop of ink) 若佛说 (The Buddha said) (无牵无挂)(No worries) 放下执着 (To let go of the ego) (无相无色)(No color, no phase) 我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和 (How can I be calm and agree) 一想到你我就 (I think of you will。。) oh oh oh oh 恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 (Love is not the life)(always in Abyss of Pain) Wu ooh ooh ooh ooh 新翠徒留 落花影中游 (Verdant still on Falling Shadow Midstream) Wu ooh ooh ooh ooh 相思不寿 才笑山盟旧 (Love is not the life and mocking the old promised ) Wu ooh ooh ooh ooh 谓我何求 (What else do i ask for) da da da da black: 我在萬花叢中穿過但是片葉不沾身 (I walked through the flowers, but the leaves did not stick) 你的一顰一笑我卻留戀了半生 (With a smile of yours, I have been nostalgic for half my life) 當世間的所有美好都向你探身 (When all the good things in the world lean on you) 春花和秋月卻奈何不及你半分 (Spring flower and Autumn month are not half as good as you) 天光乍破遇 暮雪白頭老 ( We meet at dawn, When the mountain is thin, the head grows old) 想要跟你結下連理共做同林鳥 (I want to be with you as a fellow bird) 本應意消遙 山河卻蕭蕭 (Should have Leisurely ,But the mountains and rivers make a noise) 回首才驚覺真情早已是鳳毛麟角 (Looking back, I realized that real feelings are rare.) Yeah girl :前世迟来者 (擦肩而过) (Previous life Latecomer) (Pass by) 掌心刻 (来生记得) ( Carved in palm) (Next life remember) girl :你