VARIS WIDEBODY | MITSUBISHI | EVO X | SEMA BUILD #mitsubishi #varis #widebody

VARIS WIDEBODY | MITSUBISHI EVO X | SEMA BUILD Julius Gandia aka: EVOXJAYZ is the owner of this beautiful Mitsubishi Evolution X. With a Varis WideBody. Definitely one of the most elite builds in Utah in my mind. I recently decided to team up with Julius and take on all of his media content as a sponsor. Julius accomplished a number of accomplishments in 2018. Winning best EVO in just about every local show including some other out of state shows. Including Stancenation. Enjoy this short film I put together while we were shooting out at the airstrip. 👇SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE AWESOME CONTENT👇 Check out these Top Trending Playlists - 1.) Video's featuring B Roll Sequences: 2.) Commercial Video work: My main focus on this channel is to bring you relevant information to use as knowledge