Parkour, Free Running, and Capoeira with Team Zoic

Learning free running/Parkour with Team Zoic. Team Zoic is a group of extremely talented people who meet up to practice, teach, and show off their skills. I went to a few of their open gym night meet ups and tried to learn some of the basics. I would LOVE to go there but unfortunately there is no Tempest FreeRunning Academy in Florida. But there are plans to build a very similar place right here in Orlando. I also want to run the American Ninja Warrior Course in California. When I go there, I'll definitely have to check out both of those places. Vibram Five Fingers (The shoes I'm wearing in the video) VIbram FIve Fingers Sprints: Vibram Five Fingers KSO's Tempest FreeRunning Academy: I saw the Tempest FR