#Welcome to #shithole #amerikkka #IMPLODE #FASTER #AMERIKKKA!!!! #SPITTT!!!

#Welcome to #shithole #amerikkka Besides their military-industrial complex that destroy the world, this prison-industrial complex is also murikkkans value! Not justice, human rights or democracy or freedom all that good shit, it’s all about money and imaginary power to this shithole MURIKKKA. And still, it become filthy shithole with lots of tent cities, murikkkans shit on the street like in Mumbay India lmaoo so gross on steroids 🤮🙃🙃 narcotic addicts walk like zombie all over the street like in horror movie, and their women prostitute ing themselves literally on the streets smdh. Reap what you sow shithole #AMERIKKKA #IMPLODE #FASTER 👏👏!! #SPITT!!!