Senator Hawley Questions AI Expert on Hiring Bias and Control

In this video, you'll see: - Senator Josh Hawley question Professor Asam MoGo, an expert on AI and labor, about the risks and challenges of using AI in the hiring and recruitment process. - Professor MoGo explain how AI can take away human judgment, legitimize unfair practices, and confuse decision makers, especially when they don't understand how AI works. - Senator Hawley emphasize the importance of keeping control of AI and ensuring that it benefits the American people, not just the giant corporations that develop it. - A lively and informative discussion on the need for oversight and regulation of AI, as well as the potential for AI to empower humans and improve their lives. If you're interested in learning more about Senator Hawley's views and actions on AI, please check out his website [here]() and his recent proposal for AI legislation [here](