Saudi Arabia’s desert turns into a green land, the climate changing, magnificent footage and crazy..

Saudi Arabia's desert turns into a green land, the climate changing, magnificent footage and crazy. Parts of the desert in Saudi Arabia have suddenly grown grass and plants after weeks of rain and flash floods. The Gulf country saw heavy showers last December, which left Mecca and other areas badly flooded. But weeks later, the surrounding desert has turned green - particularly in the west - due to excess water. Uncanny photos show camels grazing on fresh grass and once arid bushes are now vibrant with color. The vegetation has grown so much it can be seen from NASA satellites in space. Many locals have posted pictures on social media, with some viewing the greenery as proof of a Muslim prophecy, which says: 'The Last Hour will not come till the land of Arabia reverts to meadows and rivers.' But others pointed out the Saudi Arabian desert has seen outbursts of plant growth several times before. Saudi Arabia has actively tried to facilitate plant growth in the Syrian desert by drawing water trapped deep in the ground. Green fields capable of growing wheat and other crops started showing up on the satellite images in 1991 and have increased dramatically ever since. It is unknown how much water is trapped underground but, in 2012, hydrologists estimated it would only be economical to pump water from the desert for around 50 years. However, this most recent vegetation is not man-made and has been blamed on the excessive rain. #suadiarabia #flood #changeclimate #news #nature #earth #lightning #thunder #storm #switzerland #strongwind #wind #tornado #weather #badweather #maltempo #news #usa #egypt #algerie #iraq #lachauxdefonds #climatechange #globalwarming #wildfire #rain #heavyrain #hailstorm #monsoon This channel contains about natural disasters, mother nature, flood, flash flood, earthquake, strong wind, geological, hydrologic, meteorologic, climatologic, mudslides, waves, tides, volcano eruptions, storms, blizzard, snowfall, winter storm, snowstorm, climate change, global warming, tornado, typhoon, hurricane, landslide, moving ground, tsunami, weather forecast,l hailstorm, cyclone, sandstorm, dust storm, tropical storm, fire, hail, thunderstorm, natural phenomenon, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. lightning strikes, thunderstorms, thunder sounds, and the way that flashes of lightning affected people.