[Portrait] 04. Diabarha - Venusian Beauty

=== Note: available also on if you wanted to leave a dislike that's visible to others. === Beautiful from the distance. And I'm floating in void near Venus, surrounded by complete silence, all calm and beautiful, stars shine and flicker. Should I even move? They are telling me to check out and enjoy the real life. While falling down, air becomes suffocating, surrounding gets hot, and visibility constantly decreases. When surface is reached, the suit melts and crushes under the pressure, liquid air shatters the lungs immediately, and all that remains out of body is burnt bones. At least it was quick. Destructive at close range. ____________________ Release name: SKRD!!!-134 Portrait Release date: 1 Dec 2021 YT playlist: Genre(s): Extratone, 1400/2800 BPM Scale: E +40c Ionian #2 #5 Background image: