Red Flowers on Icy Mountains | The satar and orchestra 萨塔尔与乐队《雪映花红》

Red Flowers on Icy Mountains is adapted from Why are the Flower So Red, an interlude in the 1963 movie, Visitors On The Icy Mountain. But the original tune actually comes from a famous folk song of the Tajik ethnic people in Northwest China. Like the original folk song, this music for the satar and orchestra extols Mother Nature, friendship and love. The satar was originally a Persian musical instrument and a member of the lute family. #traditionalChinesemusic Composed by WANG Danhong Performed by Orchestra of China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater 此曲根据著名电影《冰山上的来客》插曲《花儿为什么这样红》编创而成。原始素材来自于国家级非物质文化遗产塔吉克族民歌《古丽碧塔》。 美丽的鲜花开在雪山之巅,它是用青春的血液来浇灌,它象征着纯洁的友谊和爱情。作品以耳熟能详,极具民族特色的音调为素材,加入了维吾尔族特色乐器萨塔尔。展示了新疆浓郁的民族风情,美丽神奇的自然风光,赞美了纯洁的友谊,美好的爱情,勤劳的人民,火热的生活。#中国民乐 编曲:王丹红 演奏:#中国歌剧舞剧院 民乐团 Follow us: Youtube: Dancing China Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: