13 Pink Narcissus (1971) in monochrome

13 | Pink Narcissus (1971) in monochrome ~ more stuff on my site ~ Director: James Bidgood American arthouse drama film. An erotic poem set in the fantasies of a young male prostitute (Bobby Kendall). Aside from its last, climactic scene, which was shot in a downtown Manhattan loft, it was produced in its entirety (including outdoor scenes) in Bidgood’s small New York City apartment over a seven-year (from 1963 to 1970) period and ultimately released without the consent of the director, who therefore had himself credited as Anonymous. Music: 00:00 Cock and Swan - What was Life (What’s Your Problem) 03:16 Bachelor - For the Money 05:54 Burzum - Den Onde Kysten 08:14 Ari Mason - Dim the Lights (Mr. Kitty remix) 12:16 TR/ST - Unbleached 15:52 Wolf Alice - Turn to Dust 18:54 TR/ST - Slow Burn 25:18 3TEETH - Nihil (Mircalla remix) 29:37 Identified Patient - Nog Steeds High Van De Lak 38:29 Mustapha Mond - Deva 41:10 Mircalla - Uhncearu (Anagoge) 46:52 Ohota - Buran 50:37 Ships in the Night - From the Deep (Submerged mix)