US War on China is a War on the Entire World

- A recent essay published by the US Naval Institute about imposing a “distant blockade“ on China to strangle the Chinese economy has severe implications considering the long list of nations counting on the trade with China the US proposes to strangle; - The “distant blockade” is necessary because of China’s growing military power and its ability to confound US military aggression immediately along its own shores; - The essay book-ends US policy going as far back as 2006 aimed at cutting China's various economic “lines of communication,“ including sea routes from the Middle East to China via the Malacca Strait and the South China Sea; - Far from speculative policy, the US has already reorganized the entire US Marine Corps to wage war against Chinese shipping; - To prevent global economic catastrophe in the near future, nations must target, expose, and uproot US interference within and along their borders used to set the stage for this proposed “distant bl