Champion Age Comparison in Lore - League of Legends 2020

All Champion Age in Lore Comparison - LOL 2020 Hope you guys like it! :D CREDIT: Champions, image from League of Legends Music: Gangsta Choir Descends Data: Those numbers were estimated from Lore, Wiki Fandom, a lot of fan discussion on reddit and some from Necrit #The_Origins CHAMPION LIST: Aurelion Sol: 12,000,000 7:06 Bard: 10,000,000 7:06 Soraka: 2,000,000 7:06 Evelynn: 15,000 7:06 Fiddlesticks: 15,000 6:34 Kindred: 15,000 6:34 Tahm Kench: 15,000 6:34 Maokai: 15,000 6:34 Malphite: 10,000 6:34 Anivia: 10,000 6:34 Ornn: 10,000 6:34 Volibear: 10,000 6:34 Skarner: 9,000 6:34 Amumu: 8,000 6:34 Vel'Koz: 8,000 6:34 Cho