Restoring Ruined Screenshots - mega tutorial

Sign up at to get 4 extra months on a 2-year plan! ▼▼▼ CHAPTER NAVIGATION ▼▼▼ 0:00:00 Intro 0:01:25 Nord VPN 0:03:33 XKCD Restoration. 0:16:32 XKCD panel 4, the hardest panel 0:21:37 Just redraw the dang thing 0:24:03 Using AI to redraw the dang thing (fail) 0:27:12 Fake TQ script, links to bad screenshots, and Yandex reverse image search 0:32:32 Why Nearest Neighbor? Deep dive. 0:35:57 How to best use Nearest Neighbor 0:38:50 Next few images, more Yandex 0:42:18 Making a NN upscale Photoshop action 0:43:26 The 80/20 rule 0:44:25 More Yandex 0:46:19 Smart Upscale Addon - you need it! 0:47:16 How to fix minor jpeg compression 0:53:21 Fixing an old newspaper ad scan 0:57:18 1:01:08 1:01:47 Google in the 90s restoration and Restored screenshots: 1:13:01 “Me at the Zoo,“ UI and browser scaling, anti-aliasing and subpixel rendering 1:25:04 The most insane restoration I've ever done, combining all prior tricks and more 1:44:58 Recommended videos 1:46:14 Questions I have for YOU!