Are Autistic People Narcissists? (READ DESCRIPTION) ( Webinar on Psychosomatic Medicine, Oct 2020)

Speaker in the Webinar on Psychosomatic Medicine, Pharmacovigilance, and Clinical Trials and Drug Safety, October 2020 My topic: “Narcissism and Autism“. There are three problems with raising awareness and educating people about Autism Spectrum Disorders: 1. We don't know the aetiology of autism (what causes it) and whether the brain abnormalities often observed in autistic patients cause it, are caused by it, or are merely correlated (effectuated by a third, common factor); 2. Autism is a family of disorders which have little in common with each other. Some autistic persons are high-functioning and accomplished, others self-harm, are hypersensitive to stimuli, and noncommumicative; and 3. The long-discredited, “refrigerator mother“ theory blamed emotionally unavailable, “dead“, or “frigid“ mothers for the pathogenesis of autism in their children. This deterred parents from seeking help. The ignorance, taboos, stigma, biases