Basic Wing Chun Kicking Training (詠春腳法介紹)

This video footage is to show the training for the two basic types of Wing Chun kicks: ZING3 GOEK3 (Front Kick), WAANG4 GOEK3 (Side Kick) and its evolved HYUN1 ZING1 GOEK3 (Circling front kick or named as Half Moon Kick). Wing Chun 8 Legs and its applications are developed from these two basic kicks. 介紹詠春兩種基本腳形:正腳、橫腳及由此而衍生的圈正腳(又稱半月腳)的練習方法。詠春八腳及其應用便是從此兩腳發展而成。 To stay informed, like our Facebook page: