For women, several ideas for the design of a summer tunic. Туника летняя крючком

For a summer tunic, it is better to choose cotton or viscose yarn. These materials allow air to pass through well and do not cause discomfort in hot weather. To make the tunic lush, knit it according to the pattern with columns with a cape. For the eye, you can use yarn of a different color or embroidery threads. Embroidery can be any - flowers, patterns, animals or even portraits. #knitting ideas #women's clothing Old Vienna Endless Love Old Vienna Fresh Fallen Snow Chris Haugen Fresh Fallen Snow In the Distance Dan Lebowitz In the Distance Mind Stream Chris Haugen Mind Stream Ghosts of California Wes Hutchinson Ghosts of California Eagle Rock Wes Hutchinson Eagle Rock Vinyasa Chris Haugen Vinyasa Fargo Riot Fargo Timeless Lauren Duski Timeless Sweet Release Dan Lebowitz Sweet Release МузикаPexels - - https: