Идеальный дом для отдыха на густо заросшем холме (экскурсия по дому)

House located in Selfoss, Iceland, designed by Krads. The holiday home is carefully placed on a densely overgrown hill that is sloping north in the direction of the great Lake Pingvallavatn in southwestern Iceland. On multiple levels, the otherworldly landscape has modeled the form of the building. In dialogue with the terrain, the concrete foundation of the wooden house lies in three staggered planes that follow the movement of the landscape. In a similar manner, the roof surface, overgrown with local grass and moss, slopes partly towards and partly with the hill. The location of the house has been chosen with great care to integrate the building into the surroundings while framing specially selected views of the landscape. Towards North, the house rises above the low scrub to give an unobstructed view over Pingvallavatn and the mountain Skjaldbreio from the main room of the house. In the opposite direction, the main room opens onto a south-west-facing terrace that is closely surrounded by tree