Journey to K2 Base Camp

A trek to K2 base camp in Pak­istan’s Karako­ram Range, apt­ly called the Throne Room of the Moun­tain Gods, is in the world’s most spec­tac­u­lar moun­tain region. The fabled expe­di­tion and walk­ing route up the Bal­toro Glac­i­er to K2 offers tru­ly one of the world’s great­est treks, and jus­ti­fi­ably so. Sur­round­ed by six peaks over 25,919 feet / 7,900 meters and crowned by the mas­sif of K2, this is with­out ques­tion one of the most mag­nif­i­cent places on the plan­et. The list of peaks along the way is exten­sive and each holds a sig­nif­i­cant place in climb­ing his­to­ry. The crown of the Karakoram is K2. At 8,611m (28,251ft) it is the world’s second-highest mountain and an expedition to its base camp at 5,150m (16,896ft) makes for one of the most exciting walks in the world. Beginning in the remote village of Askole, the trail winds its way along the grand Braldu Valley before mounting the Baltoro Glacier to Concordia. Positioned 12km (7.5 miles) from K2, Concordia is one of the few pla