HARD MIND - TASTE OF DEATH Officiel videos clip Shots live from Hellfest 2023, Xtreme Fest 2023, SuperBowl Of Hardcore 2023 and many others... ***LYRICS*** I show, no mercy cause This world, gat none Take a look at it, from below Blowing your fucking head off That’s my dessert Taste Of Death If we have to fall, We will fall together, in this fucking hole Taste Of Death Slaughtering my self, on my own that's why i fear no one Sacrified all for a throne, im spitting blood on your crown Taste Of Death Under the weight of hatred, son of a bitch you will crawl To see pain your eyes, bath salt on your wounds Your throat slit blood its a butchery Laughing to my self front of this poetry Life is not only what you see Take your time enjoy your agony Taste Of Death No escape For our last breath Its the end Of your grim reign Taste Of Death Making by Vallium Production