Rayleigh-Bénard convection in PLUTO

Rayleigh-Bénard convection based on the setup described in Brummell et al. 1996 “Turbulent Compressible Convection with Rotation. I. Flow Structure and Evolution“. A few differences with the original paper though : 1- The simulation is only 2D. 2- We are solving for fully compressible Euler, while the simulations in the paper are solving Navier-Stokes equations 3- We do not include in this simulation the effects of the rotation of the frame which is also important in the paper. The domain is 3200x800 uniform grid cells. Using adimensional units, top temperature set to 50, temperature gradient is 500, Density contrast set to 11, top density is 1.0. Gravity calculated so that polytropic index is 1.0 and theta is 10.0. CFL=0.5 tstop = 1.0 On top of that, we apply initial random pressure perturbations to trigger the instability.