Humanity Rising Day 752: Making UFO Disclosure Official: What’s happening and why now?

The US Congress has passed legislation mandating that all agencies of the US Government must turn in any and all information on what they are now calling “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” (UFOs) to a special committee which will then disseminate the information to the public. Recent Congressional testimony asserts categorically that UAPs exist and that the US Military has been tracking them for decades. The prospect that UFOs are here on Earth has staggering implications that could quite literally change the course of history. Few have been more deeply immersed in the phenomenon of UFOs than Daniel Sheehan who will examine some of the more recent developments in the UFO phenomenon including revelations by a former Pentagon employee regarding a long-running program that investigates UFO sightings. Danny will take us beyond the discussion of whether UFOs are real or whether UFOs are being piloted by highly intelligent, highly technologically developed but distinctly non-human beings from some extraterrestrial civilization, but instead to: What are the profound philosophical, theological, psychological, sociological and public policy questions that are now being posed to humanity by the “reality” of this non-human species here in our Milky Way Galaxy. Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney. Dan served as Legal Counsel to Dr. John Mack, the Chair of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Mack was a Pulitzer-Prize winning biographer who, utilizing the scientific methods of medical psychology, conducted extensive research into the phenomenon of alien abduction. In 1994, the Dean of The Harvard Medical School called Dr. Mack before a special hand-picked Faculty Committee and ordered Dr. Mack to “defend” his publication of his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. A clear violation of his free speech rights and his status as a long-tenured Professor at Harvard University—as well as a highly-respected clinician—Dan successfully represented Dr. Mack before this committee, and secured his right to academic freedom. Convener: Jim Garrison Join us on Zoom Mon-Friday by registering here: