Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack (1961), paired with Hellzapoppin’ (1941)

The first video I ever did using motion picture. Prior to this date, beginning in March 2012, all videos were slideshows using photos, collage art or sketch art I created, found art, and using still images to create the illusion of motion (stop motion animation aka stop frame animation). The film used was Hellzapoppin' (1941), about the only well-known comedy starring the Ole Olsen/Chic Johnson team. What is being danced in this segment is the Lindy Hop performed (in reality) by Whitey's Lindy Hoppers, including Frankie Manning and Norma Miller. Slim and Slam are also part of the act. The dance routine is synchronized to the song by Ray Charles. I still don't know how the hell I managed to sync this either as it was a first time experience for me, but strangely it all worked out.