Картины из Бхагавад-Гиты как она есть Его Божественной Милости А.Ч. Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупады

Обложка и изображения Summary study of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is By Srila Prabhupada by looking at the pictures from the book. Prabhupada also sings Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu. Thank you to the artists who created these devotional masterpieces that worked hand in glove with Prabhupada's writings. Comments and discussion are always welcome. Lectures ... of this Vedic culture. I am therefore so much laboring hard that we, before my leaving this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves. Nityam bhagavata-...