German Newsreel 1942 MONATSSCHAU Nr. 10 - ATLANTIS auxiliary cruiser

🔥SUPPORT THE CHANNEL and get access to exclusive film footage Episode 207 1:29 - The Japanese ambassador in Berlin, General Hirosho Oshima; visits a unit of German night fighters; a major (RK) explains to him an Me 109 1:57 - Croatian air-force soldiers return home after their deployment on the Eastern Front; Prime Minister Dr. Ante Pavelic greets the pilots upon their arrival; March past Pevelic. 2:57 - Army Group Center on the Eastern Front Helmets are painted with white camouflage paint; Walls of snow are built. 3:45 - b) deployment of a communications line repair team; line test; the line is being repaired in the snowy forest; Soviet snipers fire on the team, a light MG returns fire ; a wounded man is brought back in the snowstorm. 5:37 - c) artillery spotting; night artillery fire on Soviet positions; Prisoners are brought back by military police, captured military equipment. 6:45 - Caucasus Front floodplain in the Cau