Berenstain Bears_ The Baby Chipmunk_ The Wishing Star -

11a “The Baby Chipmunk” When she adopts a baby chipmunk, Sister learns the hard way about trying to keep a non-domestic animal as a house pet. As a baby all the chipmunk does is eat and sleep. However, the bigger it grows the more active it gets and the more mess it makes and the more trouble it causes. Of course none of it’s intentional. That’s just the creature’s nature. But when it accidentally bites Papa, Sister finally realizes that if she really loves Little Brown Eyes, she’ll do what’s best for the chipmunk and return him to the outdoors where he belongs. 11b “The Wishing Star” When Mama casually mentions the ’Star light, star bright’ principle, Sister takes it to heart and wishes for a certain birthday gift and a better grade on her next math quiz. She gets both. However when the pony she wishes for doesn’t materialize, Papa helps Sister understand that she really got her first two wishes all by herself - her special birthday gift because she’d been so helpful around the house and the better math mark because she studied really hard for the quiz. Bolstered by this, Sister makes her pony wish come true by making a deal with Farmer Ben to help him pick his peas in exchange for being allowed to spend time with his retired farm horse Princess.